R2: [5] Gina Kennedy (Eng) w/o Melissa Alves (Fra)

[5] Gina Kennedy (Eng) w/o Melissa Alves (Fra) w/o Melissa injured


It’s the wrist, an injury I’ve had for a year.

I had injections; the first one worked well, but the second one, however, didn’t work as well. So, the pain came back, and now the goal is to stop playing with painkillers and things that mask the pain but don’t heal it.

Sometimes, it can hold up like that for 4 or 5 years, but that’s clearly not the case here. So, I need to stop. I’m going to Paris to see a hand specialist surgeon because there might be an operation needed, which is hard for me to consider because of the rehabilitation time that comes with it.

I couldn’t keep playing while stuffing myself with painkillers, which wreck my stomach and intestines, and that’s not the kind of sport I believe in. We should play with pain that the body can handle, but without medications to mask it.

So, I’m stopping, taking care of my body and mind, and then I’ll get back to it, for sure.